1. Basic statistics


This course assumes that you already know Python. The scipy-lectures give an introduction to Python.


This page gives an introduction to statistics with Python. It is useful to get acquainted with data representations in Python. In terms of experimental psychology, the patterns demonstrated here can be applied to simple dataset that arise from psychophysics, or reaction time experiments. We will see how to process efficiently more complex data as produced by brain imaging in the next course.

1.1. Interacting with data

1.1.1. Work environment: IPython


We will be working in the interactive Python prompt, IPython. You can either start it by itself, or in the spyder environment.

In this document, the Python prompts are represented with the sign “>>>”. If you need to copy-paste code, you can click on the top right of the code blocks, to hide the prompts and the outputs.

1.1.2. Basic array manipulation: numpy

We have the reaction times in a psychophysical experiment:

474.688 506.445 524.081 530.672 530.869 566.984 582.311 582.940 603.574 792.358

In Python, we will represent them using a numerical “array”, with the numpy module:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.array([474.688, 506.445, 524.081, 530.672, 530.869, 566.984, 582.311, 582.940, 603.574, 792.358])

We can access the elements of x with indexing, starting at 0:

>>> x[0]    # First element
>>> x[:3] # Up to the third element
array([ 474.688, 506.445, 524.081])
>>> x[-1] # Last element

Mathematical operations on arrays are done using the numpy module:

>>> np.max(x)
>>> np.sum(x[:3])
>>> np.mean(x)
>>> np.log(x)
array([ 6.16265775, 6.22741573, 6.26164625, 6.27414413, 6.27451529,
6.34033108, 6.36700467, 6.36808427, 6.40286865, 6.67501331])

Finding help


  • Display the last two entries of x.
  • Compute the standard deviation of x (how will you find the function to do so?).

1.1.3. Basic plotting: pylab The box plot


Basic plotting is done with matplotlib:

>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> plt.boxplot(x)


If a window doesn’t display, you need to call plt.show().

Under IPython, type %matplotlib to have plots display automatically. More plots

_images/plot_plot_1.png _images/plot_scatter_1.png _images/plot_bar_1.png _images/plot_contour_1.png _images/plot_imshow_1.png _images/plot_pie_1.png _images/plot_multiplot_1.png _images/plot_text_1.png

See also

Matplotlib is very rich and can be controlled in detail. See the scipy lectures for more details.

1.1.4. Mixed-type data: pandas Inputing data

We have a CSV file giving observations of brain size and weight and IQ (Willerman et al. 1991):


The data are a mixture of numerical and categorical values. We will use pandas to manipulate them:

>>> import pandas
>>> data = pandas.read_csv('examples/brain_size.csv', sep=';', na_values=".")
>>> print data
Unnamed: 0 Gender FSIQ VIQ PIQ Weight Height MRI_Count
0 1 Female 133 132 124 118 64.5 816932
1 2 Male 140 150 124 NaN 72.5 1001121
2 3 Male 139 123 150 143 73.3 1038437
3 4 Male 133 129 128 172 68.8 965353
4 5 Female 137 132 134 147 65.0 951545


Missing values

The weight of the second individual is missing in the CSV file. If we don’t specify the missing value (NA = not available) marker, we will not be able to do statistics on the weight. Manipulating data

data is a pandas dataframe, that resembles R’s dataframe:

>>> print data['Gender']  
0 Female
1 Male
2 Male
3 Male
4 Female
>>> gender_data = data.groupby('Gender')
>>> print gender_data.mean()
Unnamed: 0 FSIQ VIQ PIQ Weight Height MRI_Count
Female 19.65 111.9 109.45 110.45 137.200000 65.765000 862654.6
Male 21.35 115.0 115.25 111.60 166.444444 71.431579 954855.4
>>> # More manual, but more versatile
>>> for name, value in gender_data['VIQ']:
... print name, np.mean(value)
Female 109.45
Male 115.25
>>> # Simpler selector
>>> data[data['Gender'] == 'Female']['VIQ'].mean()



  • What is the mean value for VIQ for the full population?

  • How many males/females were included in this study?

    Hint use ‘tab completion’ to find out the methods that can be called, instead of ‘mean’ in the above example.

  • What is the average value of MRI counts expressed in log units, for males and females? Plotting data

Pandas comes with some plotting tools (that use matplotlib behind the scene) to display statistics on dataframes:

>>> from pandas.tools import plotting
>>> plotting.scatter_matrix(data[['Weight', 'Height', 'MRI_Count']])
>>> plotting.scatter_matrix(data[['PIQ', 'VIQ', 'FSIQ']])   


Plot the scatter matrix for males only, and for females only. Do you think that the 2 sub-populations correspond to gender?

1.2. Hypothesis testing: two-group comparisons

For simple statistical tests, we will use the stats sub-module of scipy:

>>> from scipy import stats

See also

Scipy is a vast library. For a tutorial covering the whole scope of scipy, see http://scipy-lectures.github.io/

1.2.1. Student’s t-test 1-sample t-test

scipy.stats.ttest_1samp() tests if observations are drawn from a Gaussian distributions of given population mean. It returns the T statistic, and the p-value (see the function’s help):

>>> stats.ttest_1samp(data['VIQ'], 0)
(30.088099970849338, 1.3289196468727784e-28)


With a p-value of 10^-28 we can claim that the population mean for the IQ (VIQ measure) is not 0.



Is the test performed above one-sided or two-sided? Which one should we use, and what is the corresponding p-value? 2-sample t-test

We have seen above that the mean VIQ in the male and female populations were different. To test if this is significant, we do a 2-sample t-test with scipy.stats.ttest_ind():

>>> female_viq = data[data['Gender'] == 'Female']['VIQ']
>>> male_viq = data[data['Gender'] == 'Male']['VIQ']
>>> stats.ttest_ind(female_viq, male_viq)
(-0.77261617232750124, 0.44452876778583217)

1.2.2. Paired tests


PIQ, VIQ, and FSIQ give 3 measures of IQ. Let us test if FISQ and PIQ are significantly different. We need to use a 2 sample test:

>>> stats.ttest_ind(data['FSIQ'], data['PIQ'])
(0.46563759638096403, 0.64277250094148408)

The problem with this approach is that is forgets that there are links between observations: FSIQ and PIQ are measure on the same individuals. Thus the variance due to inter-subject variability is confounding, and can be removed, using a “paired test”, or “repeated measure test”:

>>> stats.ttest_rel(data['FSIQ'], data['PIQ'])
(1.7842019405859857, 0.082172638183642358)

This is equivalent to a 1-sample test on the difference:

>>> stats.ttest_1samp(data['FSIQ'] - data['PIQ'], 0)
(1.7842019405859857, 0.082172638183642358)

T-tests assume Gaussian errors. We can use a Wilcoxon signed-rank test, that relaxes this assumption:

>>> stats.wilcoxon(data['FSIQ'], data['PIQ'])
(274.5, 0.034714577290489719)


The corresponding test in the non paired case is the Mann–Whitney U test, scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu().


  • Test the difference between weights in males and females.
  • Use non parametric statistics to test the difference between VIQ in males and females.

1.3. Linear models, ANOVA

1.3.1. A simple linear regression


Given two set of observations, x and y, we want to test the hypothesis that y is a linear function of x. In other terms:

y = x * coef + intercept + e

where e is observation noise. We will use the statmodels module to:

  1. Fit a linear model. We will use the simplest strategy, ordinary least squares (OLS).
  2. Test that coef is non zero.

First, we generate simulated data according to the model:

>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 20)
>>> np.random.seed(1)
>>> # normal distributed noise
>>> y = -5 + 3*x + 4 * np.random.normal(size=x.shape)
>>> # Create a data frame containing all the relevant variables
>>> data = pandas.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y})

Specify an OLS model and fit it:

>>> # The following will work only with a recent version of statsmodels
>>> from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
>>> model = ols("y ~ x", data).fit()
>>> print(model.summary())
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.804
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.794
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 74.03
Date: ... Prob (F-statistic): 8.56e-08
Time: ... Log-Likelihood: -57.988
No. Observations: 20 AIC: 120.0
Df Residuals: 18 BIC: 122.0
Df Model: 1
coef std err t P>|t| [95.0% Conf. Int.]
Intercept -5.5335 1.036 -5.342 0.000 -7.710 -3.357
x 2.9369 0.341 8.604 0.000 2.220 3.654
Omnibus: 0.100 Durbin-Watson: 2.956
Prob(Omnibus): 0.951 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.322
Skew: -0.058 Prob(JB): 0.851
Kurtosis: 2.390 Cond. No. 3.03


Retrieve the estimated parameters from the model above. Hint: use tab-completion to find the relevent attribute.

1.3.2. Multiple Regression


Consider a linear model explaining a variable z (the dependent variable) with 2 variables x and y:

z = x \, c_1 + y \, c_2 + i + e

Such a model can be seen in 3D as fitting a plane to a cloud of (x, y, z) points.

Example: the iris data

>>> data = pandas.read_csv('examples/iris.csv')
>>> model = ols('sepal_width ~ name + petal_length', data).fit()
>>> print(model.summary())
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: sepal_width R-squared: 0.478
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.468
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 44.63
Date: ... Prob (F-statistic): 1.58e-20
Time: ... Log-Likelihood: -38.185
No. Observations: 150 AIC: 84.37
Df Residuals: 146 BIC: 96.41
Df Model: 3
coef std err t P>|t| [95.0% Conf. Int.]
Intercept 2.9813 0.099 29.989 0.000 2.785 3.178
name[T.versicolor] -1.4821 0.181 -8.190 0.000 -1.840 -1.124
name[T.virginica] -1.6635 0.256 -6.502 0.000 -2.169 -1.158
petal_length 0.2983 0.061 4.920 0.000 0.178 0.418
Omnibus: 2.868 Durbin-Watson: 1.753
Prob(Omnibus): 0.238 Jarque-Bera (JB): 2.885
Skew: -0.082 Prob(JB): 0.236
Kurtosis: 3.659 Cond. No. 54.0

1.3.3. Post-hoc ANOVA: contrast vectors

In the above iris example, we wish to test if the petal length is different between versicolor and virginica, after removing the effect of sepal width. This can be formulated as testing the difference between the coefficient associated to versicolor and virginica in the linear model estimated above (it is an Analysis of Variance, ANOVA). For this, we write a vector of ‘contrast’ on the parameters estimated: we want to test “name[T.versicolor] - name[T.virginica]”, with an ‘F-test’:

>>> print(model.f_test([0, 1, -1, 0]))
<F test: F=array([[ 3.24533535]]), p=[[ 0.07369059]], df_denom=146, df_num=1>

Is this difference significant?


Going back to the brain size + IQ data, test if the VIQ of male and female are different after removing the effect of brain size, height and weight.